Murphy’s commitment; smart policies right recipe for New Jersey working families after eight years of neglect and abuse
Murphy wins backing of NJWFA’s grassroots membership and leadership with ambitious progressive policy agenda
NEWARK - Today, New Jersey Working Families Alliance announced its endorsement for Phil Murphy in his bid to become the Garden State’s next governor. Murphy won the overwhelming support of the organization’s grassroots base as well as its State Committee. Leaders of the progressive political organization cited Murphy’s commitment and smart policies as the right recipe to fix New Jersey after eight years of Chris Christie’s abuse and neglect, and noted his pledge to “rebuild an economy that will lift up every New Jersey family.”
“In a field with many progressive candidates, Phil Murphy offers the most comprehensive and compelling plan to use the Governor’s office to improve the lives of all working families in New Jersey,” said Analilia Mejia, Executive Director of the New Jersey Working Families Alliance. “We welcome his pledge to use the power of his office to make New Jersey work for all of us -- even if it means upsetting the politically powerful on any side of the aisle, and we’ll work with him to do it.”
Phil Murphy rose to the top of the crowded field for NJWFA through a commitment to advance core issues important to working families as well as a strategic plan detailing how to advance our state after years of economic disparity and inequality.
Murphy’s agenda resonated with both individual grassroots and organizational members of NJWFA, including creating a “millionaire’s tax” so that everyone is paying their fair share; reforming criminal justice practices that unfairly target minority residents; living up to the state’s pension obligation and paying into the system; closing loopholes big corporations use to dodge their taxes; expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit for low income families; and creating a 100 percent clean energy economy by 2050.
NJWFA members and affiliates found his refusal to leave any New Jerseyan behind in transformative policies including raising the minimum raise to $15; guaranteeing earned sick time; enforcing voting rights protections; and fully funding quality public schools a determining factor in their decision. Furthermore, in these uncertain times, Murphy’s pledge to stand against federal executive orders on immigration and deportation, and fight back against the Trump agenda with one of the most powerful offices in the nation is critical.
“Growing the middle class through economic fairness and social justice is the foundation of my campaign for governor, which is why I am so honored to have earned the endorsement of the New Jersey Working Families Alliance," said Phil Murphy. "They have ensured the vital issues of fairness and justice are not left out of the debate about how we move our state and people forward. Whether it is speaking up for stronger workplace protections and union rights, better wages and tax fairness, supporting our immigrant neighbors, criminal justice reform, or a cleaner environment, standing with New Jersey Working Families means standing on the right side of history. As someone who grew up in a family that lived paycheck to paycheck, I am honored to have their endorsement and am committed to seeing our shared progressive agenda become a reality.”
Murphy’s endorsement came following support from NJWFA’s affiliate organizations as well as ts grassroots membership. NJWFA held a candidate screening last week with over 100 attendees, including Working Families leaders and activist members in attendance, and thousands more watching live online. (Livestream: Part 1, Part 2). All candidates who completed NJWFA’s issue questionnaire were invited to participate. Along with Phil Murphy, the other participants were Asm. John Wisniewski, Jim Johnson, and Rev. Seth Kaper-Dale. Following the forum, an online membership vote was held, open to all Working Families supporters.
New Jersey Working Families Alliance is a key player in state politics, playing a leading role in Newark Mayor Ras Baraka’s election, exposing Christie-crony David Samson's corruption, leading the charge for accountability post-Bridgegate, passing earned sick days legislation in 13 cities, and leading the state's campaign to raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour.
New Jersey Working Families Alliance is a politically potent force, putting feet on the street to work for endorsed candidates, along with mail and other communications with the organization’s members and the general public to educate voters on Murphy’s record and vision for the state.
Along with Working Families Party chapters across the country, NJ Working Families Alliance was an early and enthusiastic supporter of Bernie Sanders’ bid for the presidency during 2016’s Democratic primary for President. Following the primary, the organization backed Secretary Clinton over Trump. Since Election Day, the Working Families Party has mobilized grassroots resistance to Trump. Tens of thousands of people have participated in hundreds of protests at congressional offices, “quickly becoming a staple of this charged moment,” according to CNN.
The New Jersey Working Families Alliance is a grassroots independent political organization fighting for a government that represents the needs and values of working families. We elect candidates who share our values and organize campaigns to advance progressive policies. Together we’re building a movement of working families to fight for economic and social justice in New Jersey.
Our affiliates are: Union of Rutgers Administrators/American Federation of Teachers; Communications Workers of America; Communications Workers of America Local 1032; Communications Workers of America Local 1037; Communications Workers of America Local 1081;International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers 194; Laundry Distribution Joint Board; Workers United NY/NJ; BlueWave NJ; Clean Water Action New Jersey; New Jersey Citizen Action; New Jersey Education Association; New Jersey Sierra Club; SEIU NJ State Council; SEIU Local 32BJ; SEIU CIR; New Jersey Industrial Union Council; Amalgamated Transit Union; Amalgamated Transit Union 819; Amalgamated Transit Union 822