New Jersey Working Families releases response ad to Assembly Minority Leader’s campaign ad professing commitment to “just help everybody”
New Jersey Working Families releases response ad to Assembly Minority Leader’s campaign ad professing commitment to “just help everybody”
Organization cites Bramnick’s voting record on gun control, women's health, Sandy relief to counter the legislator’s assertion that he “help[s] all”
NEWARK -- New Jersey Working Families Alliance, a political organization formed in order to give voice to working families across the Garden State, released a response ad to Assembly Minority Leader Jon Bramnick’s campaign commercial in which the legislator asserts he entered politics to “help people.” Although heartwarming at face value, the organization contends that the Assembly leader’s voting record tells a different story.
“Assembly Minority Leader Bramnick is trying to feed his constituents a peanut butter and bologna sandwich. His votes attest to his real record of working against the interests of the working families he represents. Whether it's his failure to protect Hurricane Sandy victims, protect access to preventive cancer screenings, or take action in order to expand and protect the right to vote, Assembly Minority Leader Bramnick has failed the families he represents,” said Analilia Mejia, executive director of New Jersey Working Families. “Our ad uses Bramnick’s own campaign advertisement as a backdrop to cite six different times the legislator voted Nay or abstained on supporting measures popular with his constituents, including failing to support and help override Governor Chris Christie’s veto on equal pay, gun buyback programs, and his abstention on a foreclosure prevention bill that aimed to help Sandy victims.
New Jersey Working Families Alliance has taken an active role in the 2017 legislative and gubernatorial races, working with its membership base to recruit volunteers, host candidate forums, and live streaming policy discussions across the state. Recently, the organization released its list of Legislative Champions, endorsing candidates who support NJWFA’s multi-pronged working families policy agenda; including earned sick days for all, increasing the minimum wage, and passing voting rights reforms contained in the 2015 Democracy Act.
The ad can be viewed here: