New Jersey's Medical Marijuana Patients Hold Protest for Patient/Caregiver Medical Marijuana Home Cultivation at Senate President Sweeney’s Office

WHO: Medical marijuana patients and advocates
WHAT: Protest to raise awareness to the need of home cultivation emergency relief
WHEN: Thursday, April 4, 2019 at 1:00 pm
WHERE: Gloucester County District Office 935 Kings Hwy #400, West Deptford, NJ 08086(We’ll be on the sidewalk facing the highway)
WHY: Failure to allow common sense, affordable home cultivation access to the Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act
Imagine a medicine so powerful it’s used in a wide variety of medical conditions including cancer, epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis, and opioid use disorder (OUD) and one can grow it in their own home! Sounds unreal, right?
Well, in all legalized states and most medicinal cannabis states, it is a reality. In New Jersey though, patients are refused this affordable access and this common sense approach is willfully removed from our medicinal marijuana Compassionate Use Act. Legislators say, ‘It’s a bridge too far.’
The Alternative Treatment Centers (ATCs) are not keeping up supply with demand for medical cannabis products for the 44,000 and growing number of registered patients. Availability of a variety of medical cannabis products and strains is crucial for the registered patients. Some have seen needed strains of cannabis discontinued.
The NJ legislature has not upheld the law (CUMMA) of providing affordably priced medical cannabis to registered patients. Home cultivation can be a third to a quarter of the price of ATC cannabis. All legalized states allow this fundamental, medical access for affordability and availability.
Patients have been at the legislators mercy for long enough!
Passage of medical expansion legislation is long overdue and will help reduce some costs to patients, but will not significantly reduce costs of cannabis. Expansion of ATCs to increase competition and lower prices will take quite some time.
Patients need this access now!
So we are inviting patients for medical cannabis home cultivation and their supporters to participate in a medicinal cannabis smoke-in protest outside of the Senate President Sweeney's office. We are asking for compassion and a serious look at resources, especially in a cannabis legalization scenario.
For further information, contact: Jo Anne Zito 551-580-2767