New Leaders Council New Jersey to Host “Summit on Labor” Featuring the State’s Top Labor Leaders on September 23rd

New Leaders Council New Jersey to Host “Summit on Labor” Featuring the State’s Top Labor Leaders on September 23rd


CONTACT: David Bander

(732) 640-7638


New Leaders Council – New Jersey (“NLC”) will host a “Summit on Labor” on Saturday, September 23rd, 2017, from 11am to 2pm at the headquarters of the Northeast Regional Council of Carpenters, 91 Fieldcrest Avenue, Raritan Plaza II, Edison, NJ 08837.


This event comes at a critical time for the union movement, as it faces great challenges from a President, Congress, and Supreme Court that are hostile (at best) to union strength.  In addition to that, unions have to confront a changing economy that is global in scale and dismissive of traditional workplaces and employment relationships.  At the same time, though, there is reason to hope that the next New Jersey Governor will be significantly more union-friendly than the current one.


U.S. Congressman Donald Norcross from New Jersey’s First Congressional District will kick off the event.  An electrician by trade, Congressman Norcross was first elected in 2014 and is the only union leader currently serving in Congress.  Before running for Congress Norcross was assistant business manager of IBEW Local 351, as well as a former president of the Southern New Jersey AFL-CIO Central Labor Council and Southern New Jersey Building Trades Council.


The Summit will feature two panel discussions, followed by Q&A.  The first panel will center on the future of union organizing in a changing economy and political environment and includes:


Kevin Brown, New Jersey State Director, Service Employees International Union Local 32BJ

Charles Hall, President, Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union Local 108

Analilia Mejia, State Director, New Jersey Working Families Alliance

Milly Silva, Executive Vice President, 1199 SEIU United Healthcare Workers East

Sean Spiller, Vice President, New Jersey Education Association

AJ Sabath, co-founder, Advocacy and Management Group and former Commissioner of Labor


The second panel will feature discussion of union legislative, administrative, and political goals

and includes:

Rob Angelo, Principal, Working Solutions LLC and former Eastern Regional Representative for the U.S. Secretary of Labor under President Obama

Ginger Gold Schnitzer, Director of Government Relations, New Jersey Education Association

Ian Leonard, Political Director, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

Tricia Mueller, Founder, Groundwork Strategies and former Political Director, Northeast Regional Council of Carpenters

Rex Reid, Political and Legislative Representative, American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees

Lizette Delgado-Polanco, Political Director, Northeast Regional Council of Carpenters.

There is no cost to attend the event and all are welcome.  Please register for the event at:


  1., or


We hope to see you there!

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