New Report Alarm Bell on Toxic Chemicals on Fracking & Fracking Waste
New Report Alarm Bell on Toxic Chemicals on Fracking & Fracking Waste
Today, The New Jersey Sierra Club is holding a press conference with the Delaware Waterkeeper Network and other environmental groups in response to a comprehensive report released this week, “Keystone Secrets: Records Show Widespread Use of Secret Fracking Chemicals are a Looming Risk for Delaware River Basin, Pennsylvania Communities”, by Partnership for Policy Integrity (PFPI). The report documents that drilling companies have extensively used loopholes in Pennsylvania rules that allow companies to withhold chemical identities as trade secrets. The coalition urges Governor Murphy to keep his commitment a support a complete ban on fracking and fracking activities in the Delaware River Basin. Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club, released the following statement:
“Keystone Secrets” is an alarm bell going off on how our water supply and public health is threatened by the secret chemicals used in fracking. We knew fracking was bad, but the new report shows how bad it really is. These oil and gas companies use the excuse of trade secrets to hide from the public and first responders the different types of toxic chemicals. We can’t treat what we don’t know so this creates a hidden danger to communities exposed to fracking and fracking waste. The new study proves that it is more important than ever that Governor Murphy keep his commitments and the rest of the DRBC approve a full fracking ban that includes no dumping of fracking waste or taking of water for fracking purposes.
“The new fracking report clearly shows that what we don’t know clearly will hurt us, affecting the drinking supply for 17 million people in the Delaware Valley. Fracking involves injecting huge amounts of water and chemicals in rock formations that can pollute surrounding aquifers and waterways. Besides the secret chemicals we don’t know about, fracking requires mixing millions of gallons of water with toxic chemicals including volatile organic chemicals like benzene, methyl benzene, formaldehyde, and others that are linked to cancer. The process also releases toxic chemicals like arsenic and mercury that are naturally trapped in the shale.
“The toxins in frack waste have substantially harmful health and environmental effects. EPA even identified health concerns for 109 of 126 new chemicals proposed for drilling and fracking such as irritation to the eye, skin, and mucous membranes, kidney toxicity, liver toxicity, neurotoxicity, and developmental toxicity. And yet EPA allowed most of these chemicals to be manufactured and 62 of them are most likely used in fracking. These toxins are known carcinogens and endocrine disrupters as well as cancer-causing chemicals. Toxins like Benzene can cause a myriad of health problems such as an increased risk of asthma, a decrease in infant health and effects on the development of a fetus. What’s even more alarming is that we could be drinking and breathing in even harmful toxins from fracking that manufacturers don’t have to disclose.
“Dumping fracking wastewater is dangerous too because it contains over 600 different toxic chemicals, many of them carcinogenic. This could lead to pollution and contaminated drinking water. Fracking waste contains harmful naturally-occurring contaminants released from deep underground in the fracking process and brought back to the surface, Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM), hydrocarbons, heavy metals, and other contaminants from the shale formation. That is why it is so important that the DRBC implement a full ban that includes dumping of fracking wastewater. We need to make sure the Basin doesn’t turn into toxic dumping ground.
“We don’t know the chemicals being used for fracking are or what they become when mixed with other chemicals. A study of fracking wastewater disposed of in rivers and streams found that chemical contaminants in the waste were transformed into more toxic substances when they chemically reacted with chlorinated compounds discharged from downstream drinking water treatment plants. What’s even worse it that our waste treatment plants are not designed to treat fracking waste. Our Water filtration plants can filter fracking wastewater either.
“Since 2010, the overwhelming weight of scientific evidence and on-the-ground experience where fracking has wreaked havoc prove that fracking simply isn’t safe. Fracking in the Delaware River Basin would destroy tens of thousands of forests, open space, and wildlife habitat. The people of the Delaware River Valley want to be protected from all forms of fracking, including the contaminated waste that comes from it. Having a partial ban that actually allows the dumping of fracking waste still puts the drinking water and environment of the Basin at risk.
“During his campaign, Governor Murphy came out in support of a full ban but the Administration seems to be backing away from that lately. When questioned about a fracking waste ban, his staff said it was understudied. We can’t allow them to backtrack or flip flop, it is too important for the environment. There is overwhelming data on the damage and destruction fracking will do to our environment and our health. Governor Murphy needs to step up and protect the drinking water for tens of millions of people of the Delaware River Valley. We need Murphy and the rest of the DRBC to approve a full fracking ban that includes no dumping of fracking waste or taking of water for fracking purposes.”
(See "Keystone Secrets" report attached)
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