New Study: New Jersey Ranks 50th in Highway Performance, Cost-Effectiveness

New Jersey ranks 50th in the nation in highway performance and cost-effectiveness in the Annual Highway Report by Reason Foundation.

New Jersey ranks 4th in fatality rate, 42nd in deficient bridges, 31st in rural Interstate pavement condition, 47th in urban Interstate pavement condition, and 50th in urbanized area congestion.

On spending, New Jersey ranks 50th in total disbursements per mile and 48th in administrative disbursements per mile.

New Jersey’s best rankings are rural arterial lane-width (tied for 1st), fatality rate (4th), and rural Interstate pavement condition (31st).

New Jersey’s worst rankings are total disbursements per mile (50th), capital-bridge disbursements per mile (50th), maintenance disbursements per mile (50th), and urbanized area congestion (50th).

New Jersey’s state-controlled highway mileage makes it the 47th largest system.

Reason Foundation's Annual Highway Report utilizes data states report to the federal government to track the performance of state-owned highway systems in 11 categories, including highway spending per mile, rural and urban pavement condition, deficient bridges, traffic congestion, and fatality rates.

For more information on New Jersey's results, please see the chart below or visit:

The full report, featuring detailed explanations for each category, is available here:  (html)  (pdf)


Reason Foundation is a libertarian think tank based in Los Angeles. Reason's transportation experts have advised five presidential administrations and numerous state and local transportation departments.

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