Newark Council 21 stands in solidarity at the April 24th Newark Municipal Council Meeting for a Fair Contract Now!
NEWARK, NEW JERSEY, APRIL 23, 2018 - NEWARK COUNCIL 21, NJCSA, IFPTE, AFL-CIO will be holding a rally and speaking before the Newark Municipal Council insisting the City Administration support a fair collective bargaining agreement for City employees at the Tuesday, April 24, 2018 Municipal Council Meeting in City Hall, 920 Broad Street, Council Chamber, Newark, New Jersey at 6:30 p.m.
Dolores ‘Dee’ Gorczyca, an International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers Representative will be speaking on the City Administration’s failure to provide a living wage and adequate health benefits during the Hearing of Citizens (Speaker #13) as Council 21 union members and supporting IFPTE Local Unions stand in solidarity for a ‘Fair Contract Now!’
“Newark Council 21 union members are City employees, residents, taxpayers and voters. We are tired of being sacrificed, demoralized, and negated as a vital part of the City’s progression.”
For over twenty years, Council 21 has made major sacrifices for the financial stability of the City and its taxpayers. Council 21 has been without a fair collective bargaining agreement for nearly four years. Council 21 has made every effort to negotiate with the City on behalf of its members for fair improvements to its collective bargaining agreement. The City has failed to negotiate in good faith forcing Council 21 to file a Notice of Impasse and Unfair Labor Practices against the City with the New Jersey Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC).
Newark Council #21, NJCSA, IFPTE, AFL-CIO is a white collar professional workers' union of over 900 City employees of Newark, NJ, since 1985.
Representatives of all newspaper companies, TV networks, and freelance journalists are cordially invited.
This statement is released only on behalf of Newark Council #21, NJCSA, IFPTE, AFL-CIO. It does not constitute an official statement from the City of Newark, NJ as a public entity.