Newton Council Candidate Dr. Mecaj Calls Out Dickson and Schlaffer for False News and Their Desire to Disempower the People
Dr. Mecaj Calls Out Dickson and Schlaffer for False News
and Their Desire to Disempower the People
Newton, NJ- Before news organizations have even printed their researched news articles,
Dr. Mecaj's challengers for a Newton Council seat are going the route of spreading False
News. This type of knee-jerk politicization of a cost-saving change to our voting process
(that will bring a larger voter turnout, and therefore more democratic process), is wrong.
Last week, a Faulkner Petitioners Group was formed to lead the petitioned demand that
Newton's Council change from a May to November Election. The Petition clearly states
that should the Council decline to do so, a referendum be held at the time of the general
election. That Dr. Mecaj's challengers try to thwart the will of the people, by
manipulating them with an outright lie that this action will cost taxpayer's money, is
The move in the voting date is an important change that will bring more voters to the
election, thus reducing the influence of special interests. It will also save the taxpayer the
cost of a May election.
The Petitioners renew our call for the public to sign this Petition and get some action out of our
do-nothing Council. Join with Dr. Mecaj, Mayor Levante and a whole host of other thoughtful
Newtonians in demanding beneficial change.
As for Dr. Mecaj's opponents, the Petitioners ask that they please remove their false
news. They are doing a disservice to the Newton community and dis-empowering the voting
residents. That type of leadership is not wanted in Newton.
Please refer to April 6 Press release and Petition for additional important background
[pdf-embedder url="" title="PRESS Release April 6,9 and Petition"]