Newton Council Candidates Form Joint Ticket
For Immediate Release: Newton Council Candidates Form Joint Ticket
March 7th, 2018 - Newton, NJ - Today, candidates Jason Schlaffer and Matthew Dickson, who
are running for two of the three open seats on the Newton Town Council in this May’s
Nonpartisan Election, announced their decision to run together as a joint ticket, the first such
ticket in Newton in over twenty years. Schlaffer and Dickson, who’s campaign slogan is
“Transparency, Accountability, & Growth for Newton,” say their main focus is to make Newton
a thriving, prosperous community by better allocating the money the Town already spends,
investing in new revenue sources to prevent tax increases, and including the community in the
council’s decision making process.
“When you look at the Town budget, and compare it to our council’s actual performance, it
raises serious questions. For example, why couldn’t the council get notices mailed out to the
public in a timely manner when our water failed to meet the safety criteria last year, when they
hiked the Water Department’s ‘publicity’ budget from $13,500 to $30,000? It just proves we
need new faces on the council who will make sure we get our money’s worth in quality services
from our taxes.” said Dickson, a long-time resident of Newton and former volunteer firefighter
who currently works as a paramedic. Schlaffer, a local business owner and Sussex County
native, outlined his plan to increase town revenues without raising taxes on residents. “Currently,
nearly one third of the land in town is tax exempt, while many of our potential
revenue-generating town resources, like the town pool, are underutilized. We will work to make
sure everyone pays their fair share in taxes for the services we all need, not just overburdened middle-class homeowners.”
The election will be held May 8th, 2018.
For Comment: Ben Silva (862) 268-6399