A Night In Suffrage White: A Pop-Up Dinner Celebrating 99 Years of Women’s Right to Vote

WHAT:   A Night In Suffrage White: A Pop-Up Dinner Celebrating 99 Years of Women’s Right to Vote

WHEN:  Saturday, August 24, 2019 from 6pm-8pm

WHERE:  The Alice Paul Institute at Paulsdale, 128 Hooten Road, Mt. Laurel, NJ  08054

MT. LAUREL, NJ -- On Saturday, August 24, 2019 from 6pm-8pm, the Alice Paul Institute (API) will celebrate Women’s Equality Day by hosting its third annual A Night In Suffrage White event at Paulsdale, a National Historic Landmark. Over 200 people are expected to attend this pop-up dinner to commemorate the passage of the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote in 1920.

White is the color of the event! In honor of the many suffragists who wore white in their fight to gain the right to vote, every guest is highly-encouraged to wear all white and decorate their tables in white linens. In true pop-up fashion, this event operates on a “pack it in/pack it out” philosophy. Every group must bring all their supplies (tables, chairs, food, flatware, linens, etc.) and take everything home with them, including trash.

Join the crowd on Alice Paul’s lawn to honor this milestone in the civil rights struggle. Tickets are $20 per person. For more information are available at www.AlicePaul.org.

Who was Alice Paul?

Alice Stokes Paul was the architect of some of the most outstanding political achievements on behalf of women in the 20th century. Born on January 11, 1885 to Quaker parents in Mt. Laurel, New Jersey, Alice Paul dedicated her life to the single cause of securing equal rights for all women. A leading American suffragist, Alice Paul was a force in the passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920, which granted women the right to vote. She authored the Equal Rights Amendment which, when ratified, will give legal and lasting equal protections to both women and men under the United States Constitution. Alice Paul will be featured on the newly redesigned $10 bill to be released by the U.S. Treasury in 2020, the centennial of the 19th Amendment.


The Alice Paul Institute educates the public about the life and work of Alice Stokes Paul (1885-1977), and offers heritage and girls’ leadership development programs at Paulsdale, her home and a National Historic Landmark. Alice Paul led the final fight to get women the vote and wrote the Equal Rights Amendment. We honor her legacy as a role model of leadership in the continuing quest for equality.



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