NJ-11 Congressional Candidate Tamara Harris Stands Out As the Only Candidate Who Stands Out

NJ-11 Congressional Candidate Tamara Harris Stands Out As the Only Candidate

Who Stands Out

“Tamara’s Unique and Diverse Background Presents a Fresh Perspective That’s Needed to Flip Washington from Red to Blue”


(Feb 22, 2018)—Morristown, NJ— The 11th District in New Jersey is one of 24 districts throughout the country that has the opportunity to unseat or replace a Republican incumbent in order to gain Democratic control of the U.S. Congress, and end the power of the republican majority under President Donald Trump. This fact alone has made this midterm election year more critical than most.


“This November, after two decades with a Republican congressman who has been out of touch with the changing fabric of our needs in District 11, we have the chance as Democrats to replace the Party of Trump, the Party of Obstruction, the Party of a massive Tax Scam and the Party of Healthcare Cuts, with a Party of the People as the majority in Congress,” says Congressional Candidate Tamara Harris (D-NJ-11).


Tamara’s unique background makes her the ideal choice to flip the 11th District from red to blue. She is the only woman candidate who is a resident of District 11. Tamara has also lived in Asia for ten years, where she had a successful career in international finance. She became acclimated to the culture and speaks Mandarin as well as Spanish from her studies in Costa Rica. She was born in the Virgin Islands and holds a MBA from the University of Pittsburgh and a degree in social work from New York University.


“We need a candidate who knows what it’s like to be a working mother, what it is like to struggle to put food on the table, and worry about the path to prosperity from low-income to middle class. We need a candidate who knows the district’s needs firsthand and who is invested in the district. We need a candidate who lives in the district and pays property taxes in the district. We need a candidate with global life experience, and embraces a myriad of cultures so that they can truly put people─ all people ─before politics.


“Putting people before politics means I believe that everyone deserves healthcare – this is why as a 19 year old in college, I studied the universal healthcare system in Costa Rica when earning my Certificate in Latin American Studies.


“I believe in protecting Medicare and Medicaid for our seniors. I know the difficulties of not having adequate healthcare when I had to help my father navigate his decline and passing from diabetes 11 years ago. I remember thinking how fortunate we were that we did not have to decide between keeping our home or taking care of my father.


“I am relieved that my daughter can still be covered under her parent’s plan when she is away at college. I truly know many individuals and families struggle every day because of the ripple effect of inadequate healthcare,” says Congressional Candidate Tamara Harris (D-NJ-11).


Tamara Harris has been deeply involved in the democratic process supporting candidates and organizations at the county, state, and federal level. Now, after hearing from family, friends, colleagues and residents of New Jersey’s 11th Congressional District calling on her to serve, Tamara has decided to use her experience as a family advocate, business woman and problem solver to fix Washington.


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