NJ Business Action Center’s Office of Planning Advocacy Launches Geospatial Tool for Municipalities and Developers
The Office of Planning Advocacy within the New Jersey Business Action Center (NJBAC) at the Department of State has launched its new NJ Smart Growth Explorer data tool. Developed by the Rowan University Geospatial Research Lab, the NJ Smart Growth Explorer is a free comprehensive informational tool that provides data to municipalities and developers for development and conservation efforts. By utilizing this data, users can more easily site projects earlier in the development process, making projects more efficient and less costly.
The tool provides several mapping layers to identify climate and environmental information alongside development/redevelopment factors that help provide a comprehensive view of New Jersey’s landscape. These layers can be viewed individually or as a composite of some or all the included factors, with access to parcel-based and statewide mapping.
“Smart Growth is when development and redevelopment happen in a pattern and in locations that coordinate with infrastructure and best serve people to result in great communities,” said John Hasse, Ph.D. professor and principal investigator for the Rowan team leading the development of the site. “Smart Growth also protects natural resources and avoids risky areas such as flood zones. The NJ Smart Growth Explorer provides free access to some of the best mapping data available to help NJ municipalities best achieve their community goals.”
“This administration has prioritized helping municipalities capitalize on economic development opportunities, meet their affordable housing obligations equitably, and conserve and preserve open space and farmland responsibly,” said Lt. Governor Tahesha Way, who oversees the Office of Planning Advocacy and NJBAC in her capacity as Secretary of State. “The NJ Smart Growth Explorer will further support these efforts at no cost to public and private sector stakeholders.”
“The Explorer is a living Beta tool that will be constantly improved based on feedback we receive from users, particularly municipal and county land use officials, and the land use planning community,” said Melanie Willoughby, executive director of the NJBAC, about the ongoing effort of continuous improvement for the site. “Mapping layers include data sources from numerous state and federal agencies combined in one location to present a comprehensive view of New Jersey.”
“I am proud to be working with Rowan’s team on this important tool to assist municipalities in envisioning what the future can look like in their community, how to think locally and act regionally, and to understand the impact of their day-to-day decisions,” said Donna Rendeiro, executive director of the State Planning Commission and the Office of Planning Advocacy. “Used in connection with local land use knowledge, the Smart Growth Explorer is a valuable tool that provides important information toward that end.”
This Beta tool is available publicly, along with a training video, at https://nj-map.com/sdrp/model/.
The New Jersey Business Action Center serves as the State's liaison to the business community and municipalities, offering free information, services, and resources across various areas such as business registration, financial programs, regulatory compliance, property selection, workforce training, and more. NJBAC comprises multiple offices, including Small Business, Business Advocacy, Export Promotion, State Planning, and the Cannabis Training Academy. Access to NJBAC services is available through NJ DOS - NJ Business Action Center or Business.NJ.gov: Your first stop for doing business in NJ or by calling 1-800-JERSEY-7.