NJ Conservative GOP: 'No room for religious bigotry in the Murphy Administration!'



Contact: Paul Danielczyk 

                President - NJ Conservative GOP




The NJ Conservative GOP has joined the New Jersey Coalition of Pastors and Ministers in calling for the firing of Governor Murphy Staffer Noemi Velazquez, for her anti-Evangelical remarks. Noemi Velazquez referred to Republican policymakers in Washington as “Evangelical assholes!”


“Such a vile bigoted anti-Christian remark by a state employee has no place in New Jersey government! Velazquez was given a 10-day suspension and will be required to undergo a sensitivity re-training A ten-day suspension is not feasible or acceptable for such disgusting remarks and she should be removed immediately!” NJ C-GOP president Paul Danielczyk stated.


“This would send a clear-cut message that New Jersey government has no tolerance for anti-Christian bigotry. I’m stunned by the lack of attention given to this ugly bias from the legislature's leadership of both parties!” Danielczyk exclaimed.


“Our organization calls on party leaders Sweeney, Coughlin, Kean and Bramnick to call on the governor for the removal of Noemi Velazquez. No religious affiliation should be treated to such revolting prejudice and that INCLUDES Christianity. ” Danielczyk concluded.

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