NJ Frontline addiction treatment workers to begin Unfair Labor Practice strike on May 24 with a kick-off rally

NJ Frontline addiction treatment workers to begin Unfair Labor Practice strike on May 24 with a kick-off rally
After nine months of bargaining a first contract, 120 nurses and addiction treatment workers at Sunrise House, affiliated with American Addiction Center, Inc. (AAC) set to begin a three-day Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) strike, will hold a kick-off rally on May 24. The treatment center is located in Lafayette, New Jersey. The workers, represented by HPAE, have been struggling to reach a fair contract following the union election victory last June.
What:  HPAE ULP Strike Kick-Off Rally
Date: Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Time: 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
Where:  Sunset House, 37 Sunset Inn Road, Lafayette, NJ
AAC is under investigation by the National Labor Relations Board for failing to bargain in good faith, making unilateral changes, discriminating against a union activist, and for failing to provide necessary information.
AAC is also under investigation by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration for complaints of unsafe conditions at Sunrise House.
Key issues are staff shortages, wages and safety conditions for both the staff and patients.
HPAE is the largest union of registered nurses and health care professionals in New Jersey. Since its founding by Englewood Hospital nurses in 1974, HPAE has expanded across the state and into Southeastern Pennsylvania representing 13,000 nurses, social workers, therapists, technicians, medical researchers, and other health care professionals in hospitals, nursing homes, home care agencies, blood banks, and university research facilities. HPAE is affiliated with the American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO.


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