NJ Grassroots Activists Send in the Cavalry Ahead of Super Tuesday

57 volunteers spent their Saturday afternoon making phone calls for Senator Bernie Sanders, the Democratic front runner, ahead of Super Tuesday. Enthusiasm and excitement filled a packed room in Maplewood at this volunteer event organized by Our Revolution Essex County and Sunrise Movement Morris County.

“At first, we were shocked to see the turnout! Lines filled the hallway to sign in. But as more and more people showed up, something became clear: the political revolution is alive and well, and that Senator Sanders has the grassroots army to win on Super Tuesday and to defeat Donald Trump!” Said Justin Goldsman, Chair of Our Revolution Essex County.

The room was filled with both first time and experienced volunteers, and truly reflected the intersectional, multi-racial and multi-generational nature of the progressive movement behind the Sanders campaign.

“It was really incredible that 57 people came out on a Saturday afternoon and made calls for over three hours. I don’t think any other Democratic presidential candidate has turned up this level of grass roots support in New Jersey yet this primary season. The momentum behind Senator Sanders is unstoppable.” Said Sam DiFalco, Hub Coordinator of Sunrise Movement Morris County.

The volunteers generated several thousand calls into Super Tuesday states, an effort they hope will propel Sanders to victory.

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