NJ High School Dems & Teenage GOPers: Youth Activism Is Back In NJ
NEW JERSEY – November 14, 2019 – The New Jersey High School Democrats (NJHSD) and New Jersey Teenage Republicans (NJTARS) have recently released their voter contact data for the 2019 election cycle. Combined, the organizations’ membership made an estimated 36,200 calls to voters and knocked on 24,300 doors.
The largest impacts were felt in Somerset County: NJHSD members made thousands of phone calls in order to help flip the district blue for the first time in almost 60 years. The impact of high school students was also prominent in New Jersey’s 1st Legislative district, Where NJTARS members made thousands of phone calls and knocked on dozens of doors as Democratic Rep. Jeff Van Drew’s former state senate seat was flipped to the GOP for the first time in over a decade.
“In last week’s midterm elections, we saw firsthand the impact of young people, particularly high school students. The trend of increased high school political involvement has continued to evolve into a movement, and will continue to rise during the upcoming presidential election cycle. In 2019, students became not just volunteers, but key organizers, and candidates and elected officials alike took notice,” said NJHSD Chairman Alex Moskovitz, a high school junior.
Jake Shoemaker, NJTARS Chairman and a high school senior, remarked: “It is great to see so much involvement from teenagers in our political system. Lack of interest in politics and apathy amongst teenagers is a serious issue, but contributions like this show us that teenagers do care and will get involved in our political process. I am excited to see the effort that teenagers across the state put forth in 2020,”
For more information on the New Jersey High School Democrats:
For more information on the High School Democrats of America:
For more information on New Jersey Teenage Republicans:
For more information on the National Teen Age Republicans: