NJ Housing and Community Development Network Statement on FY 2023 State Budget

TRENTON – Following Governor Phil Murphy’s presentation of the State Budget for Fiscal Year 2023, Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey’s (the Network) President and Chief Executive Officer Staci Berger issued the following statement:

“The Murphy Administration has made a tremendous effort to address housing insecurity during the pandemic, leading the nation with programs and policies that protect vulnerable homeowners and renters. We may be past the pinnacle of the pandemic, but the economic toll its left on families along with rising inflation has so many struggling to keep a roof over their head. Our state and federal leaders must make investments in housing affordability, stability and security to lay a foundation that helps create a more affordable NJ for generations to come.

“Affordability is a major concern for NJ residents and to build back better and equitably, we have to work towards ensuring housing security and stability for all NJ residents. We are glad that the governor’s budget does not divert the Affordable Housing Trust Fund and invests in affordable rental homes in municipal fair share housing plans. The proposals presented today are a step in the right direction and the final budget should include investments that can end homelessness, dismantle the racial wealth gap, and create more affordable homes for everyone. We look forward to working with Governor Murphy, Lieutenant Governor Oliver and members of the NJ Legislature to strengthen our communities and keep NJ housed.”

About the Housing and Community Development Network of NJ
The Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey is the statewide association of more than 270 community development corporations, individuals and other organizations that support the creation of affordable homes, economic opportunities, and strong communities. For more information on the Network, visit www.hcdnnj.org.

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