NJ Kids Dance For The Life of George Floyd & Unite Through Dance to Make a Difference

A group of talented kids turn to dance to make a difference in the life of George Floyd and individuals who died like him. As cast of the Off-Broadway hit show, Over The Rainbow: The Rock Ballet, they dared to tackle the Wizard of Oz and transformed the classic favorite into a modern day version, telling their story through dance. In staying true to their charitable mission that dance transforms all, they united to join in the fight for Justice and address the impact it has on us all. While transitioning to online school, adjusting to social distancing guidelines and overall coping with these changing times, they nonetheless committed to helping by raising donations in support of The George Floyd Memorial Fund. Like most kids, the Over The Rainbow Kids are confronted with overcoming obstacles and challenges - they just turn to the arts for courage, purpose and balance. From diverse backgrounds, they all connected through the love of dance, and are now joining forces to provide social commentary to bring about necessary change.
As in the classic story of the Wizard of Oz, aligned with the core message adored by many that whatever a person desires can be found within, these kids through their dance expression, seeks to convey the same belief to the world. In this one of a kind virtual message, these kids through commentary are inspiring and educating the world to always look “over the rainbow” and take these times “step by step,” even when it seems like you’re spinning like a “bobble head” making it “harder to breathe.” Through it all, they want to encourage resiliency and give “thanks for being a fighter” against injustices and its effort to “rule the world.” In the end, these kids are advocating that we all will persevere and “wash away the pain from yesterday,” soon to rejoice like “crescent dolls” and return “home” to safer and peaceful times. Dancing to today’s tunes like these, this cast of talented kids united to make a difference by delivering this novel expression of the arts, as a virtual message necessary for our times.
The Over The Rainbow Kids have received training at Broadway Dance Center, The American Ballet Theater, The Ailey School, and Joffrey Ballet just to name a few. Marlowe Scott Productions, Inc., a NJ Non-Profit in association with The PLK Law Group, P.C., a NJ branding law firm, works collectively with these kids for the advancement of the arts. This virtual message as contained is intended to constitute fair use in compliance with federal copyright laws. Add us on IG: @otr2019, TikTok @otr2020, Facebook: www.facebook.com/overtherainbow2016, and Twitter: @MSProd2016.