NJ LEGISLATORS SEND "AIRPORT WAGE" BILL TO GOVERNOR CHRISTIE STAFER Act will lift thousands of airport, rail & ferry workers out of poverty Trenton—In a landmark vote, the full New Jersey Senate approved legislation that will improve the lives of thousands of privately contracted airport, rail and ferry workers. The STAFER Act or (Safe Transportation Jobs and Fair Employment Rules Act) was also approved by the Assembly last week. The bill will ensure these hardworking men and women who work at Newark Airport, Newark Penn Station and Hoboken Station receive the same wages and benefits as publicly contracted unarmed security officers.
“The men and women who work at Newark Airport, Newark Penn Station and Hoboken Terminal shouldn’t have to work at poverty wages. These are the workers who ensure that we are safe and secure when we are traveling through our airports, on rails and ferries,” said Senator M. Teresa Ruiz (D-Essex). “Workers at Port Authority-operated airports in New York already got a raise as a result of the increase in the minimum wage in New York. It’s time that New Jersey workers, who are doing the same work as their counterparts in New York, also got the wages they deserve. This is about fairness and providing employees who work hard every day with a livable wage.”
"Transportation workers are there for us every day keeping passengers and facilities safe," said Senate President Stephen Sweeney. "We need to be there for them by ensuring they receive a living wage and benefits so they can provide for themselves and their families. That's why I am proud to support the STAFER Act so that airport, rail and ferry workers have more than just decent wages-- they can also have a better life."
“This is a great day for me and the thousands of other Newark Airport workers who have been fighting for respect, a living wage and benefits,” said Steven Leone, a PrimeFlight cabin cleaner who cleans United Airlines planes at Newark Airport. “For far too long we’ve been relegated to a life of poverty and endured difficult working conditions at the airport. We have now have hope that our dream for a better life could be close at hand.”
Currently, most subcontracted Newark Airport workers make just $10.20 per hour—about $22,000 per year—less than the federal poverty level for a family of four. As a result, a significant number of airport workers—the majority of whom are immigrants and people of color—are living in poverty.
“Our airports and transit facilities should be economic engines that provide good paying jobs," said Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto. "But outsourcing has turned far too many of these privately subcontracted jobs into low wage positions that offer little or no benefits. We can help right this wrong by supporting the STAFER Act."
“Airline profits are soaring but the baggage handlers, sky caps and other airport workers who helped to generate these profits are making peanuts. That’s wrong,” said Kevin Brown, Vice President and NJ State Director of 32BJ SEIU. “That’s why 32BJ has been leading the fight to win higher wages and benefits for these hardworking men and women who are on the front lines. Today’s vote in favor of the STAFER Act is a big step toward achieving that goal. We now call on Governor Chris Christie to do the right thing and stand by our privately subcontracted airport rail and ferry workers by signing the STAFER Act into law.”
With more than 163,000 members in 11 states including 12,000 in New Jersey, 32BJ SEIU is the largest property service workers union in the country.