NJ Senate Committee Calls on Congress to Address Housing Instability

Advances resolution supporting historic housing investments to HouseNJ

TRENTON – The New Jersey Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee today advanced a resolution urging Congress to include funding to increase affordable home production, prevent homelessness, and reduce housing instability in the any federal reconciliation bill. Securing historic and essential housing investments is part of the HouseNJ campaign agenda promoted by the Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey (the Network). On the resolution, Network President and Chief Executive Officer Staci Berger issued the following statement:

“State leaders have identified affordability is a legislative priority. There are steps officials at the state and federal level can take that would help make NJ a place everyone can afford to call home. By bolstering programs that increase affordable home production, prevent homelessness, and reduce housing instability, that can become a reality.

“In supporting this resolution, the NJ state legislature would join most of the state’s Congressional delegation in calling on historic, essential housing investments in any Congressional budget reconciliation bill. These investments would help fulfill our federal government’s obligation to create healthy and affordable homes, expand rental assistance, and help close the racial wealth gap in NJ. We thank the resolution sponsors, Senators Pou and Gopal, and the members of the Committee for supporting efforts to HouseNJ.”

The Network's HouseNJ campaign calls on Congress to:

•Expand rental assistance to additional extremely low-income households, including those experiencing and at risk of homelessness.
•Increase the National Housing Trust Fund to build affordable, safe homes for households with the greatest needs.
•Repair and preserve public housing, which is home to 2.5 million residents across the country.

The campaign also focuses on state level interventions including protecting and expanding the state Affordable Housing Trust Fund, increasing the Neighborhood Revitalization Tax Credit, strengthening rental assistance and homelessness prevention efforts, and removing barriers to housing access and increase housing security. Similar resolutions are currently under consideration in municipalities across the state.

About the Housing and Community Development Network of NJ
The Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey is the statewide association of more than 270 community development corporations, individuals and other organizations that support the creation of affordable homes, economic opportunities, and strong communities. For more information on the Network, visit www.hcdnnj.org.

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