NJ Sierra Club Join Enviro Groups- Call on Gov. Murphy for Complete Ban on Fracking!

NJ Sierra Club Join Enviro Groups- Call on Gov. Murphy for Complete Ban on Fracking!

More than 100,000 call for a DRBC vote for a COMPLETE fracking & fracking waste ban

What: Organizations working to fully and permanently ban fracking throughout the Delaware River Basin, collected signatures on a petition that calls for a ban on fracking, a ban on frack wastewater processing and discharges and a ban on water exports from the Delaware River Watershed for fracking elsewhere. The Delaware River Basin Commission, made up of the governors of Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey and Delaware, and the Army Corps of Engineers representing the federal government, are expected to vote in the coming months on the proposed fracking ban. The New Jersey Legislature has proposed SCR150, a resolution co-sponsored by Senate Environment Vice Chair Linda Greenstein, to urge Gov. Murphy to oppose the DRBC proposed language to allow for the disposal of fracking waste in the Delaware River watershed that could impact the drinking water for New Jersey residents. SCR150 has passed out of the Senate Environment Committee. Representatives of the New Jersey groups that collected the signatures will hand deliver the petitions to Governor Murphy’s office after the conclusion of the event.

When: 11 a.m., Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Where: Trenton State House, Room 103

Who: Sen. Linda Greenstein, Vice Chair, Senate Environment Committee

          Tracy Carluccio, Deputy Director, Delaware Riverkeeper Network

          Jeff Tittel, Director, New Jersey Sierra Club

          Doug O’Malley, Director, Environment New Jersey

          Lena Smith, Senior New Jersey Organizer, Food & Water Watch

          David Pringle, Environmental Advocate


“We need a full ban on fracking waste and water withdrawal in the Delaware River Basin by Governor Murphy and the rest of the DRBC. The people of the Delaware River Valley want to be protected from all forms of fracking, including the contaminated waste that comes from it. Having a partial ban that actually allows the dumping of fracking waste still puts the drinking water and environment of the Basin at risk,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. “There is overwhelming data on the damage and destruction fracking will do to our environment and our health. That is why it is critical that the DRBC approve a full fracking ban that includes no dumping of fracking waste or taking of water for fracking purposes.”

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