NJ Small Business Owners Learning the Latest on COVID- 19 to Ensure Safer Workplace

NJ Small Business Owners Learning the Latest on COVID- 19 to Ensure Safer Workplace
Many are also dealing with unexpected economic issues as a result of the new coronavirus

TRENTON March 12, 2020 – NFIB, the leading small business association with thousands of  members in New Jersey, is taking many steps to inform its members about COVID-19 and how to address related workplace issues. NFIB has provided information to members from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on preventing the spread of the disease, and the NFIB Legal Center offered information on how labor laws may come into play. NFIB is also hearing from members on the impact of the new virus on their operations in New Jersey.

“One printing company that does a lot of event related work is seeing cancelled events and work orders, while many restaurants are suffering from a lack of patrons,” said Eileen Kane, state director of NFIB in New Jersey. “Many businesses are assuring customers that they are carefully following CDC recommendations for cleaning and disinfection.”

On Friday, NFIB presents a webinar to bring small businesses the latest updates and answer frequently asked questions on the new coronavirus as some communities have declared health emergencies. Employers must act now to determine how to maintain operations during the crisis and keep workers safe.

“Small businesses should be encouraging sick employees to stay home and, if possible, arrange for people to telecommute,” added Kean. “Businesses can post information about handwashing and cough and sneeze etiquette, and they need to prepare for possible absenteeism.”

Editor’s Note: Reporters are welcome to join the webinar on COVID-19 for small businesses on Friday, March 13 at noon at by clicking here



About NFIB

NFIB is the voice of small business, advocating on behalf of America’s small and independent business owners, both in Washington, D.C., and in all 50 state capitals. NFIB is nonprofit, nonpartisan, and member-driven. Since our founding, NFIB has been exclusively dedicated to small and independent businesses, and remains so today. To learn more, visit NFIB.com.

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