NJ State Parole Board Receives third Accreditation From NJ State Association of Chiefs of Police

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

NJ State Parole Board Receives third Accreditation

From NJ State Association of Chiefs of Police


TRENTON, NJ, May 27, 2021— The New Jersey State Parole Board announced today that it received its third accreditation from the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police (NJSACOP). This endorsement certifies that the agency’s policies and procedures, management, operations, and support services comply with law enforcement standards.


New Jersey State Parole Board Chairman Samuel J. Plumeri, Jr. said “Certification by NJSACOP confirming that the New Jersey State Parole Board meets or exceeds the commission’s high standards and adheres to best practices is true validation that the men and women of this agency are putting forth their best effort each and every day.”


The NJSACOP assessment of the State parole Board was comprised of law enforcement practitioners from similar New Jersey law enforcement agencies. The assessors reviewed written materials, interviewed agency members, and visited offices to observe whether or not compliance standards were correctly instituted. Accreditation is valid for a three-year period during which time the agency must submit annual reports attesting to its continued compliance with those standards under which it was initially accredited.


The mission of the New Jersey State Parole Board is to promote public safety and foster the successful rehabilitation of offenders through the implementation of policies that result in effective parole case management. A multitude of innovative parole initiatives assist the Board in addressing the needs of the community, crime victims, and offenders through responsible decision-making and supervision processes. These initiatives assist the New Jersey State Parole Board in meeting its important goals which include increased public safety, sustained recidivism rate reductions, and the successful and sustainable reintegration of offenders.

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