NJ Working Families Press Statement on Senator Menendez and Judge Neil Gorsuch Supreme Court Nomination
NJ Working Families Press Statement on Senator Menendez and Judge Neil Gorsuch Supreme Court Nomination
NEWARK-- New Jersey Working Families Alliance's executive director Analilia Mejia made the following statement in response to Sen. Robert Menendez' decision to join the Senate Democrats in a filibuster of the Supreme Court nomination of judge Neil Gorsuch:
"New Jersey residents have called, visited, rallied, and marched in the streets to reject the nomination of Neil Gorsuch, whose record reveals an unbroken bias toward powerful corporations and the wealthy, and against working families, consumers and ordinary citizens. Their message is clear. We will not allow him to be placed on the Supreme Court and tilt the balance even more toward corporate power for another generation.
Senator Robert Menendez heard them and has joined the 41 Senators who have now pledged to stand on principle and filibuster the nomination of Neil Gorsuch. We thank him, along with Sen. Cory Booker, for listening to the people. Millions of dollars of dark money are not enough to silence our voices.
Republican can choose to either blow up the Senate in deference to a corrupt administration that is under investigation, or they can go back to the drawing board and call for a compromise candidate. As on healthcare, Republicans are confronted with having to own their own unpopular decisions, and they may not be able to do it."
Since Election Day, the Working Families Party has mobilized grassroots resistance to Trump with its #ResistTrumpTuesdays campaign. Tens of thousands of people have participated in more than 750 #ResistTrumpTuesdays protests at congressional offices,“quickly becoming a staple of this charged moment,” according to CNN.