NJASCU: The Paul Shelly Legacy Symposium on Higher Education

The New Jersey Association of State Colleges and Universities (NJASCU) is holding its annual higher education symposium on Thursday, October 19, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Trenton War Memorial.  The event, moderated by NJ Spotlight Founding Editor John Mooney, will feature keynote speaker former Governor James Florio and two panel discussions, whose participants will be New Jersey legislative leaders, business leaders, and the public college and university presidents.  The topics will include:  the life-long value of a bachelor's degree; importance of a bachelor's degree for New Jersey's economy; and cost-saving measures in public higher education, particularly private-public partnerships.  Legislators who have committed to participating on the panels include:  Assembly Majority Leader Lou Greenwald; Assembly Chair of Higher Education Committee Mila Jasey; Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker; and Senate Minority Leader Tom Kean, Jr.


Resolutions of Appreciation will be presented to the legislators on the panels, as well as to those private corporations that have partnered with public higher education on major development/redevelopment projects.  The conversation will be thought-provoking and, we hope, will inspire future commitment to sustaining the excellence of higher education in New Jersey - a benefit to all New Jersey residents.


The event is free, but registration is required.




Save the Date

Thursday, October 19, 2017

8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.



The Paul Shelly Legacy Symposium on Higher Education


The Lifelong Value of a Bachelor's Degree


Keynote Speaker: 

The Honorable James Florio, Former Governor of NJ


Panel Discussions:

Panelists:  Leaders from the state colleges and universities, business community, and NJ Legislature

Topics:  The Importance of Bachelor's Degrees to New Jersey's Economy; Institutional Strategies to Contain Costs, including Public-Private Partnerships


Thursday, October 19, 2017

8:30 am - 12:30

Trenton War Memorial


The event is free, registration is required.

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