NJBIA Offers Businesses a BIG SHOT at $15,000

NJBIA Offers Businesses a BIG SHOT at $15,000

New Contest Gives Businesses a Chance to Get Ahead


The New Jersey Business & Industry Association is giving businesses in the state a BIG SHOT to take their operation to the next level.


NJBIA’s BIG SHOT campaign was launched today to give member businesses a chance at $15,000 in working capital and 48 hours of free consulting time from a select group of NJBIA members. All the entrants have to do is submit a short video to www.bigshotnj.com detailing why their business deserves its own BIG SHOT at the winnings.


“This is a unique and creative opportunity for NJBIA members to use their entrepreneurial spirit to help invest in their business,” said NJBIA President & CEO Michele Siekerka. “At the same time, it’s also a chance for NJBIA to shine a brighter light on all of our services to both our current members and future members.”


For the BIG SHOT campaign, NJBIA has teamed up with entrepreneur, CEO and business consultant Mike Luzio to help entice member businesses to enter the contest and also spread the word about NJBIA’s valuable toolbox of member services. In 2003, the New Jersey-based entrepreneur started a business in his basement with $15,000 and sold that business for more than $50 million less than 10 years later.


“We want to find that special company that really wants to see their business grow, and NJBIA has a long history of providing resources and services that can help owners do just that,” Luzio said. “So this is a great opportunity for our New Jersey businesses to advance themselves, while also gaining a better of grasp of all that NJBIA does.”


To enter, business owners will upload original videos – as short as 90 seconds and no longer than 10 minutes – detailing why they’re most worthy for the BIG SHOT. They are asked to answer the following questions in their videos, which can be shot on mobile phones:

  • What inspired you to start your company?
  • What are your biggest challenges?
  • What NJBIA benefit would you most take advantage of?
  • What would you do with $15,000 if you win?


Entrants have until Nov. 30, 2017 to submit their videos. Three finalists will be judged by NJBIA on ability to meet submission criteria, quality and appeal, originality and creativity. Each finalist will then collaborate with Luzio to create a second short video. A panel of NJBIA member business owners – not competing in the contest – will judge the three finalist videos on the same criteria and select a single grand prize winner. The contest winner will be named in early January.


Video entries and updates on the contest will be posted at www.bigshotnj.com. Updates will also be posted on NJBIA social media pages at #NJBIABigShot.


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