NJBIA Opposes Bill Authorizing Establishment of Local Stormwater Utilities

NJBIA Opposes Bill Authorizing Establishment of Local Stormwater Utilities


NJBIA Chief Government Affairs Officer Chrissy Buteas submitted testimony today opposing legislation that would authorize municipalities, counties and certain authorities to establish stormwater utilities (S-1073). Buteas also issued the following statement.

"While NJBIA understands the goal of this bill's sponsors to address non-point source pollution, flooding and infrastructure needs, we continue to oppose this legislation because the fees authorized in it would amount to a double taxation for many businesses.

"Many facilities are already required to obtain costly stormwater permits from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. Under these permits, companies are required to pay application fees and oversight fees that run in the thousands of dollars. These facilities are required to mitigate impacts to stormwater as a requirement under the permits.

"Under this bill, companies would be assessed a fee by a separate county or municipal authority, even if they already have a stormwater permit and are taking steps to accomplish the goal of the bill.

"We continue to urge our policymakers to recognize the cumulative impacts that are being heaped upon New Jersey businesses through new laws and proposals that will ultimately be handed down to ratepayers and customers. NJBIA continues to advocate for a comprehensive plan that accounts for our needs in water infrastructure investment and ways to increase efficiencies and mitigate impacts on ratepayers."

For a link to testimony provided by Buteas, visit here.

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