NJBIA Partners with NJ Sustainable Business Registry Program
NJBIA Partners with NJ Sustainable Business Registry Program
The New Jersey Business & Industry Association has formed a unique partnership with the New Jersey Sustainable Business Registry (NJSBR) to better recognize and promote sustainable businesses, nonprofit organizations and higher education institutions in the Garden State.
"The New Jersey Sustainable Business Registry is a great program that helps businesses reduce their environmental footprint and improve their communities," said NJBIA President and CEO Michele Siekerka. "We have long advocated for New Jersey businesses to be good stewards of the environment for their own health and economic benefit. Through this partnership, we will use our platforms to highlight NJBIA members who are current registry members, as well as future registry members who are implementing sustainable practices."
"We're pleased to join forces with NJBIA to help bring more attention to businesses that are showing a commitment to integrating sustainable practices for the good of their communities, employees and clients," said Ed Kurocka, the program manager for the New Jersey Small Business Development Centers' Sustainability Program. "Registry members can distinguish their business from their competition by being part of this statewide platform, helping them attract consumers and investors who integrate sustainability factors into investment and purchasing decisions."
The NJSBR is a partnership between the Rutgers' New Jersey Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), with support and assistance from other business and environmentally concerned partners and stakeholders. The program was launched in the fall of 2014, with initial funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
The registry is free to join. Businesses that have implemented five sustainable practices are eligible to create a promotional profile and receive membership benefits, which include: free marketing materials; use of the New Jersey Sustainable Business logo and seal; a promotional profile on the NJSBR website; and eligibility for the annual Small Business Development Centers' Sustainable Business Award.
NJSBR members also receive access to no-cost expert counselors, who work with businesses and operations to identify ways to increase efficiency and save money through energy conservation, waste reduction, pollution prevention, streamlined procurement and risk management.
As a benefit to NJSBR members, NJBIA is offering new members a 20 percent discount on its regular membership fee. Also as part of the partnership, existing NJBIA members are eligible for a free Level 1 listing (or 50 percent off a Level 2 listing) in NJBIA's Member Marketplace if they join the NJSBR.
This online marketplace helps people identify NJBIA members' products and services. It's a product exclusive to NJBIA member companies of all sizes – although the results of the marketplace search tool are available to the general public.