NJBIA Statement on Legislation Re-establishing NJ Commission on Science, Innovation and Technology
NJBIA Statement on Legislation
Re-establishing NJ Commission on Science, Innovation and Technology
NJBIA Chief Government Affairs Officer Chrissy Buteas issued the following statement regarding today's release of bill S-2329, which re-establishes former NJ Commission on Science and Technology as NJ Commission on Science, Innovation and Technology.
"NJBIA supports this legislation as it requires the commission to appoint an Innovation Council from its membership. The intent of this addition to the commission is to resolve ways to leverage the transfer of technology research academia and industry. Such academic-industry collaborations could be stimulated by way of advanced technology centers, innovation partnership grants, business incubation facilities and technology extension services.
"The added focus on innovation in this bill falls in lockstep with one of NJBIA's core missions of regaining New Jersey's status as an innovation leader. NJBIA commends the sponsors (Senator Paul Sarlo, D-36; and Senator Bob Singer, D-30) of this legislation, which supports the important goal of bolstering New Jersey's innovation ecosystem."