NJBIA Supports Small Business Resolution

NJBIA Supports Small Business Resolution


The important role small businesses play in New Jersey’s economy deserves official recognition, the New Jersey Business & Industry Association (NJBIA) said today as it endorsed legislation to designate each May as “Small Business Month.”


The resolution, AJR-52 (DeAngelo, D-14; Quijano, D-20), is scheduled for a vote in the full Assembly.


“Small businesses are the backbone of the economy,” said Andrew Musick, NJBIA vice president for Taxation and Economic Development. “Without them, our downtowns would be empty and our neighborhoods would lack the character and services that we have come to depend on.


“It’s easy to take small businesses for granted,” Musick said. “But our lives would be a lot more difficult without the dry cleaners, the plumbers and electricians, the doctors and dentists, and hundreds of others establishments that we use regularly.


“Small businesses are also the largest part of New Jersey’s economy, as the state’s 820,000 small businesses employ 1.7 million people,” Musick said.


“Small businesses deserve recognition for their contributions to our economy and our quality of life,” Musick said. “That’s why NJBIA supports designating May as ‘Small Business Month.’”


Peter Peretzman, 609-858-9502
Steve Wilson, 609-858-9495
Joanne Degnan, 609-858-9494

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