NJCA applauds passage of COVID-19 stimulus bill, calls for relief for immigrants

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

NJCA applauds passage of COVID-19 stimulus bill, calls for relief for immigrants

Newark--- New Jersey Citizen Action (NJCA) today applauded the U.S. Senate’s unanimous passage of a historic $2 trillion economic stimulus package in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

“We commend the Senate for taking this critical step in protecting our workers, our families and our communities from the unprecedented economic crisis following in the wake of this global pandemic,” said Phyllis Salowe-Kaye, NJCA Executive Director. “Massive boosts to unemployment insurance, direct payments to consumers, forgivable loans and many other measures will provide a lifeline for American workers, families and small businesses struggling to survive economically. We also applaud the transparency and accountability in this legislation, which helps ensure this package benefits the American people, rather than corporate CEOs, shareholders and the politically powerful.

“Though this bill will assist many millions, we urgently need additional policies to ensure everyone living in New Jersey can access this badly needed relief. Currently immigrant workers who file for taxes using individual taxpayer identification numbers (ITINs) and their families are not eligible to receive funds under this stimulus package. These are hundreds of thousands of our fellow New Jerseyans, including some 128,000 children who are U.S. citizens. We urge the House of Representatives, and the rest of our Congressional delegation, to support this landmark legislation so it can be signed into law as soon as possible. But we also ask both our State Legislature and Congressional delegation to work with us on immediate measures to ensure all New Jerseyans have the support and assistance they need to survive this unprecedented health and economic crisis.”

New Jersey Citizen Action is a statewide advocacy and social service organization that fights for social, racial and economic justice for all while also meeting the pressing needs of low and moderate income New Jerseyans through education and direct service.

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