NJCCIC: $6.8M Federal Cybersecurity Grant Program Now Open to NJ Public Entities

NJCCIC: $6.8M Federal Cybersecurity Grant Program Now Open to NJ Public Entities

HAMILTON, NJ – The New Jersey Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Cell in mid-November opened the application window for the second cycle of the State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program, a federal initiative aimed at building cyber resiliency among all ranks of government.

Funds appropriated will assist local, federal and territorial government organizations with managing and reducing systematic cyber risk.

This federal initiative, implemented nationwide by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, is part of the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. The NJCCIC, a division of the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness, administers the grant program in New Jersey.

“The sophistication, risk and reach of cyber attacks are only growing more complex by the day, leaving all levels of government, the critical services they provide and their storehouses of sensitive information vulnerable,” said NJOHSP Director Laurie Doran. “This four-year grant program has and will provide New Jersey’s public entities with the tools and resources needed to strengthen the cybersecurity of their critical infrastructure, creating a safer and more secure state.”

The national program will provide a total of $1 billion in cybersecurity funding over the four annual cycles with $374.9 million available nationwide for federal fiscal year 2023.

Of that amount, the federal government has appropriated $6.8 million for New Jersey during this latest grant cycle. In subsequent years and for more risk reduction projects and investments, New Jersey will receive $5.1 million in federal fiscal year 2024 and $1.7 million in federal fiscal year 2025.

NJCCIC received approximately 300 submissions for the federal fiscal year 2022 grant application period with the majority of those from local municipalities and school districts.

“Nation-state actors, transnational criminal syndicates, terrorist groups, hacktivists and others are advanced enough to launch cyberattacks from anywhere and at any time,” said NJCCIC Director Michael Geraghty. “This grant funding will be used to help enhance cybersecurity through the application of best practices and mitigating technologies, while also building on a collaborative defensive strategy in which we are better equipped to detect breaches, share intelligence and respond to threats.”

The New Jersey SLCGP Planning Committee, DHS and FEMA had previously approved four resource areas for which SLCGP funding can be used:

  • Cybersecurity governance and planning
  • Cybersecurity risk management
  • Enhancements of cybersecurity resilience
  • Workforce development

To help ensure the maximum number of New Jersey entities can benefit from the limited SLCGP funds, NJCCIC will directly procure software, hardware and services for delivery to state and local government grant applicants.

Throughout SLCGP’s lifecycle, the NJCCIC must designate 80 percent of grant funding for local governments, with 25 percent specifically allocated for cybersecurity risk reduction in rural jurisdictions or those areas with populations less than or equal to 50,000.

For more information and to apply for SLCGP resources, visit the NJCCIC’s NJ SLCGP web page. The deadline for applications is Dec. 8.


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