NJCGOP: $15 minimum wage = Layoffs, reduced hours, benefit cuts and automation.
$15 minimum wage = Layoffs, reduced hours, benefit cuts and automation.
“The democrats (and RINO Republicans) in the New Jersey state legislature have done everything they could to hurt the economy and businesses of New Jersey. With uncompetitive business taxes and regulations, they now are adding to the dilemma with a $15 minimum wage,” NJ C-GOP president Paul Danielczyk stated.
“Businesses are fleeing New Jersey to business-friendly states, and this legislation will add to that exodus, especially hurting small mom and pop businesses who cannot absorb this increase,” Danielczyk said.
“The businesses will resort to layoffs, benefit reductions, cut employee hours, and implement automation. The use of self-order kiosks like those at McDonald’s and Quick Chek will become more prevalent, knocking out jobs for our youth and the poor, hurting the very people they claim to help. Huge price increases for goods and services will also occur,” Danielczyk continued.
“In December, New Jersey lost 2,600 jobs, and the job-killing $15 minimum wage will augment those numbers. The free market is the best barometer for what the starting wage should be, and one just has to look at the state of Washington which implemented a $15 minimum wage to see the disastrous results,” Danielczyk implied.
“This economic debacle will have a ripple effect. Those who are working at a hard or skilled job making $15 an hour, seeing an unskilled worker making $15 an hour will want $20 an hour, those who make $20 an hour will demand $30 an hour and so on. What this really all about is payback to the unions for past democrat support. After the $15 wage passes, the unions will come for their wage increase. The teachers’ union has already picketed the State House for theirs. The only hope for the New Jersey economy is for the democrat legislature to have an economic “death bed” conversion, and reject this misguided legislation,” Danielczyk concluded.
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