NJCGOP On Legalization of Marijuana

The NJ Conservative GOP had Bishop Jethro James Jr., pastor of Paradise Baptist Church in Newark as their guest speaker for their April 27th monthly meeting. Bishop James gave a presentation on the horrific problems that come with the legalization of Marijuana focusing on the impact that it will have on our youth. "We have a moral responsibility to stand up to the billion-dollar marijuana industry to make money off of our kids" the Bishop stated.
Bishop James also presented the horrible problems that have accompanied the state of Colorado with its legalization of weed.Statistics and facts were given in hand-outs to the organization. It shows how the marijuana industry targets the youth.
"Today the Governor of Colorado announced that he is giving consideration to re-criminalizing the recreational use of marijuana with the problems that have gotten out of hand," the Bishop stated.
Paul Danielczyk president of the NJ Conservative GOP stated: "We are in solidarity with the Good Bishop in his opposition to recreational marijuana, and our organization calls upon Republican state legislators, not to vote their conscience, but to support Bishop James efforts and vote NO on the legalization of marijuana."
Bishop James concluded, "I am here tonight because this is not a Republican or Democrat issue in opposing this legislation, it's the right issue."