NJCGOP: Politics and Congress are degenerating into a Def Comedy Jam!

Politics and Congress are degenerating into a Def Comedy Jam!


Contact: Paul Danielczyk 

                President - NJ Conservative GOP




Election night after a near victory in the 2018 Texas U.S. Senate election, presidential hopeful Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke shouted to his supporters “I’m F@#kin’proud of you”! Fast forward to the new Congressional Class of 2019, radical Muslim Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib shouted in front of her two young children, family, and supporters, “We’re going to impeach the MotherF@#ker!” Referring to President Trump!


“Politics and Congress are becoming sordid in its gutter language.  With the moral decline in our nation, we now have elected officials and politicians accelerating in that decline with their use of lewd and vile language,” Danielczyk stated.                


“This use of profane language by O’Rourke and Tlaib was despicable enough, however, their followers enthusiastically cheering them on made it even more egregious”, Danielczyk said.


“What also is most disturbing, are some of the so-called conservatives on radio and TV talk shows saying they’re not concerned with the disgusting language! Really, if it’s of no concern, then adopt this vulgarity in your position as a talk show host or guest and see how far it takes you,” Danielczyk suggested.


“President Trump remarked that Representative Tlaib disgraced herself, her children, family, and was highly disrespectful to the United States.    The President is right on target! It’s curious to know what the opinion is of the New Jersey Congressional delegation is on the repugnant language used.”  Danielczyk remarked.


“Democrats, Republicans, and Independents need to denounce such despicable language (which House Leader Nancy Pelosi refuses to do), before the political process and the U.S. Congress degenerates one big HBO Def Comedy Jam,” Danielczyk concluded.

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