NJCGOP: Vitale – No innocent till proven GUILTY?

Vitale – No innocent till proven GUILTY?


Contact: Paul Danielczyk




The NJ Conservative GOP is asking if State Senator Joseph Vitale believes in innocent until proven guilty and due process?


Monday afternoon, Sen. Vitale lead a protest with CASA - The NJ Coalition Against Sex Abuse, in an arm-locked walk-out that called for the removal of Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh due to sexual accusations.


“Vitale is protested for the removal of Judge Kavanaugh, while neither he nor his accuser has had their chance to state their case which is scheduled for a Thursday hearing. He has found Brett Kavanaugh guilty without due process,” Danielczyk said.


“I wonder how Senator Vitale would feel if he were nominated for a position and was accused of a sexual assault, then protests followed for him to be removed BEFORE his opportunity to address the charges at his nomination hearing? I believe he’d then he’d be calling for jurisprudence,” Danielczyk stated.


“BOTH sides deserve to have the chance to defend themselves at the hearing, however, Vitale has already decided guilty by leading the protest.  If Vitale wants to bring about sexual abuse awareness that’s admirable, however, combining that with a protest calling for Kavanaugh’s removal is not!”


“If Vitale is consistent regarding abused women, will he speak-out or lead any protests against Democrat National Party Deputy Chairman/Congressman/MN A.G. candidate Keith Ellison. Ellison’s former girlfriend has accused him of emotional and physical abuse during their relationship. This occurred less than two years ago, and not over 35 years ago.” Danielczyk concluded.












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