NJCIA’s Response to Proposed Marijuana Decriminalization Legislation in New Jersey

NJCIA’s Response to Proposed Marijuana Decriminalization Legislation in New Jersey


Trenton, New Jersey – The New Jersey Cannabis Industry Association applauds today’s introduction of the bi-partisan marijuana discrimination legislation.


A bi-partisan group of legislators introduced legislation on Thursday to decriminalize possession of limited amounts of marijuana. This legislation will also instruct the courts to not charge individuals with the possession of a Schedule 1 narcotic. 


“This legislation goes a long way in addressing the social injustice surrounding our youth and people of different ethnicities” said Dara Servis, Executive Director of the NJCIA. “People of color are targeted and arrested at an alarmingly high rate and this could aid in offsetting the injustice within our community.”


Servis added, “Decriminalization is an important component of any effort to reform our state’s outdated and antiquated marijuana laws. This effort to decriminalize brings New Jersey one step closer to eventually legalizing and regulating a new cannabis industry.”


There is still plenty of work that needs to get done in passing sensible legislation for cannabis. Although this legislation is a good bill, it does not address how an individual will come into possession of marijuana for recreational use and could lead to bolstering the illegal market. Going forward, our organization will continue to push for a comprehensive approach and responsible regulations to ensure available product is safe for adult-use.


“Decriminalization is a topic worthy of serious discussion and consideration. The NJCIA is committed to working with lawmakers, law enforcement, and community leaders to move this issue forward,” concluded Servis.


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The New Jersey Cannabis Industry Association is the state’s largest nonprofit trade association dedicated to advancing the legalization of cannabis.

NJCIA’s mission is to promote sensible policies to optimize the responsible growth and development of New Jersey’s cannabis market. The NJCIA strives to promote all industry sectors including: biotechnology, cultivation, manufacturing, finance, retail, security, industrial hemp and consulting services. Our policy makers are relying on industry thought leaders to provide best practices and common sense solutions for cannabis in the Garden State. Further information about the New Jersey Cannabis Industry Association can be found at www.NewJerseyCIA.org

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