NJDA donates 2,000 cloth face masks to  County’s Board of Agriculture

NJDA donates 2,000 cloth face masks to
County’s Board of Agriculture

FREEHOLD, NJ – On behalf of the Monmouth County Board of Agriculture (MCBOA), Freeholder Director Thomas A. Arnone and Freeholder Lillian G. Burry received the donation of 2,000 cloth face masks, courtesy of the New Jersey Department of Agriculture (NJDA) and Secretary Douglas H. Fisher, for the County’s agricultural community.

“The masks delivered today will help agricultural businesses throughout the County comply with COVID-19 guidelines implemented by the State,” said Freeholder Director Arnone, liaison to the Division of Economic Development. “I commend the NJDA for reaching out to our Board of Agriculture and would like to thank Secretary Fisher and his staff for assisting the County’s large community of growers.”

NJDA, in partnership with the New Jersey Agricultural Society and the New Jersey Farm Bureau, secured cloth face masks from the State’s Office of Emergency Management to be used for agricultural purposes. Since the onset of the health pandemic, MCBOA and the Grown in Monmouth team have been working with the NJDA and its partners to acquire the 2,000 masks.

“Monmouth County has a rich agricultural history and continues to be at the forefront of the industry in New Jersey, even during these challenging times,” said Freeholder Burry, liaison to the MCBOA. “I am grateful for NJDA’s support of County growers, who continue to make adjustments in accordance with State guidelines.”

Monmouth County growers who are interested in obtaining cloth face masks, can contact the Grown in Monmouth team at econdev@co.monmouth.nj.us or 732-431-7470.

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