NJDOL Presents “Stay Out, Stay Alive” Mine Safety Training Program to Garden State Schools

NJDOL Presents “Stay Out, Stay Alive” Mine Safety

Training Program to Garden State Schools


TRENTON – In an effort to promote safety as the summer season approaches, team members from the NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development’s Division of Public Safety and Occupational Safety and Health (PEOSH) will deliver an educational program to students on the dangers present at active and abandoned mines and quarries.


The June program, which runs in partnership with the Mine Safety and Health Administration, will inform third- through eighth-grade students in Newport, Port Norris, and Port Elizabeth of the dangerous conditions and fatality risks that can occur at mine sites.


“We are tasked with ensuring public safety, and want to do all we can to spread the word that mines are no place to play this summer,” said Labor Commissioner Robert Asaro-Angelo. “The message is simple, ‘Stay Out, Stay Alive.’”


In addition to the proactive safety information being presented, the program will include a hands-on opportunity to wear the various mine safety equipment including respirators, hard hats, safety glasses, reflective safety vests, etc.


From 2001-2017, 278 non-occupational fatalities occurred at mine sites nationwide. Approximately 190 active and 480 abandoned mine sites are present in New Jersey.



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