NJDSC Announces Extended Deadline for Filing of District Delegate Candidate Forms of March 11 at 5pm for Democratic National Convention 


NJDSC Announces Extended Deadline for Filing of District Delegate Candidate Forms of March 11 at 5pm for Democratic National Convention


TRENTON, NJ -- The NJDSC has announced an extended deadline for the filing of district delegate candidate forms of March 11 at 5pm for the Democratic National Convention. The New Jersey Democratic State Committee is advising all Democrats interested in running as district delegates in the 2020 Presidential Primary to submit a statement of candidacy.


The deadline for district delegate candidates to submit “Statement of Candidacy” and “Pledge of Support” forms is March 11, which will be followed by the filing deadline for nominating petitions on March 30.


Democrats interested in running for a delegate position to the Democratic National Convention in July should visit the Delegate Selection Plan page where they can find all the necessary forms, as well as access the NJDSC’s Delegate Selection Plan.

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