NJDSC Chairman John Currie Receives Outstanding Political Leader Award from Calvary Baptist Church During Black History Month Ceremony


Assemblyman Benjie Wimberly presented Chairman Currie with the award during the program that was focused on political awareness


TRENTON, NJ -- New Jersey Democratic State Committee Chairman John Currie was presented with the Outstanding Political Leader Award from Calvary Baptist Church in Paterson on Sunday as the congregation held its Black History Month ceremony. Assemblyman Benjie Wimberly presented Chairman Currie with the award during the program, which focused on political awareness and the need for African Americans to take an active role in politics, government and public affairs.


“It was an honor to be presented with this award and to have the opportunity to speak at Calvary Baptist Church,” said NJDSC Chairman John Currie. “Political awareness and participation is critical for societal and legislative progress to truly be made. I hope that I was able to get that message across to the congregation on Sunday.”


During his speech, Chairman Currie described the trials and tribulations that the African American community has overcome from slavery, to Jim Crow, to segregation to the systemic racism present in society today. He also talked about the triumphs that the African American community has had such as the Emancipation Proclamation, the Brown vs. Board of Education Supreme Court Decision that forced the desegregation of public schools and of course the election of President Barack Obama. The Chairman connected this rich history to the necessity for political awareness, linking the African American community’s rich history of activism to the progress that has been made.


“I can’t think of a more deserving person to receive this award than our Chairman John Currie,” said Assemblyman Benjie Wimberly. “The Chairman has devoted his entire life to public service, through politics and is the perfect spokesman for the need for political engagement. I am so proud to be a part of the Calvary Baptist Church family and thank my Pastor, Rev. Dr. Randall Lassiter and the entire congregation for allowing me to speak to them.”



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