NJDSC will Open Summit Field Office on Friday

NJDSC will Open Summit Field Office on Friday

State Party Working to Help Elect Tom Malinowski for Congress, Union County Dems


SUMMIT, NJ -- The New Jersey Democratic State Committee will open a field office in Summit on Friday, August 31 in an effort to help elect Democrats up and down the ticket in Union County, including Tom Malinowski for Congress. Campaign supporters and press are invited to a Grand Opening ceremony for the new office, located at 95 Summit Avenue, at 6:00 p.m. on Friday.

“This campaign’s grassroots effort is already operating at unprecedented levels in this district. Voters have been hearing from us all summer,” said Malinowski Campaign Manager Colston Reid. “Working together with local campaigns we have built a voter contact program ready to flip this district in November, and with the addition of the Democratic State Committee’s office in Summit our reach will continue to expand.”

Since the primary Tom Malinowski for Congress has knocked nearly 80,000 doors and made over 100,000 phone calls, with 421 unique volunteers in Union County alone.  

“Democrats up and down the ticket have incredible opportunities to flip seats in New Jersey’s 7th Congressional District and NJDSC is committed to supporting their efforts,” said Axel Owen, NJDSC Political Director.


WHO: NJDSC, Malinowski for Congress, Union County Dems


WHAT: NJDSC Summit Field Office Grand Opening


WHEN: Friday, August 31 at 6:00 p.m.


WHERE: 95 Summit Avenue, Summit NJ

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