NJGCA Applauds the Efforts of Attorney General, Department of Consumer Affairs, and the Office of Weights and Measures Involved in Investigation of Dishonest Gas Stations  

New Jersey Gasoline, C-Store, Automotive Association (NJGCA)
(Formerly New Jersey Gasoline Retailers Association)
4900 Route 33 West, Suite 100
Wall Township, NJ 07753

October 6, 2021


NJGCA Applauds the Efforts of Attorney General, Department of Consumer Affairs, and the Office of Weights and Measures Involved in Investigation of Dishonest Gas Stations  

Five gas stations involved in consumer fraud


On October fourth, it was announced that an investigation led by the Office of Weights and Measures and Office of Consumer Protection had found five gas stations to be involved in a fraud scheme that included overcharging consumers by selling regular grade fuel as premium grade. The stations are all owned by the same proprietor. Thankfully this gas station owner is not a member of the New Jersey Gasoline, Convenience, and Automotive Association. NJGCA members hold themselves to a higher standard that is demanded of them by their colleagues and peers in the industry.  NJGCA applauds the efforts of the Governor’s office, Attorney General, Office of Consumer Protection and Office of Weights and Measures for their efforts to shut down and protect New Jersey motorists from deceptive and fraudulent practices.


Sal Risalvato, Executive Director of NJGCA stated “NJGCA has an absolute zero tolerance policy for anyone in our industry that cheats the motorists and people of New Jersey. We condemn these business owners in the fullest. NJGCA members know that they must adhere to this standard.”


He continued “Thankfully, this business owner is not a member of our Association, as we take every opportunity to educate and monitor our members. They are aware of our zero tolerance policy and would even turn in a fellow member if they knew this behavior was being practiced, as our members know it hinders the reputation of our entire industry. When crooked retailers cheat, then honest retailers like my members lose customers and profits. We thank the Governor’s office, Attorney General, Office of Consumer Protection and Office of Weights and Measures for exposing and bringing to light deceptive practices.”


In addition to deceptive practices being unfair to fellow proprietors, they are also putting the motorists directly in harm’s way, should the engine start to malfunction from using the incorrect type of gasoline. Thankfully, the Attorney General and all the parties involved brought this owner to justice, and will continue to monitor the industry for guilty parties that try to cheat.


Risalvato ended by saying, “Frankly, I think this guy got off easy. By selling regular grade gasoline as premium grade, this fraudster profited an extra 40 – 50 cents on every gallon he sold. Depending on how many gallons he sold over an extended period of time he may have dishonestly profited several hundred thousand dollars. He should have been shut down along with the monetary penalty for at least 30 days in each location. I wouldn’t mind seeing this thief do some jail time too. I want to eradicate creeps like this from our business so that my honest members don’t have to endure the black eye that is unjustly labeled upon them when incidents like this are uncovered.”


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