NJGOP Chairman Statement On Supreme Court Nominee

NJ Republican Party Chairman Doug Steinhardt
NJGOP Chairman Statement On Supreme Court Nominee

Trenton, NJ – Following President Trump’s nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the United States, NJGOP Chairman Steinhardt released the following statement:

“On behalf of the NJGOP, we are proud to join President Donald Trump in support of his Supreme Court nominee, Judge Brett Kavanaugh,” said Chairman Steinhardt. “Filling the shoes of a dedicated public servant and respected jurist like Justice Anthony Kennedy was no easy task, but President Trump has chosen a highly qualified and well respected candidate who deserves a fair and objective confirmation process. Judge Kavanaugh has had a distinguished legal career and proven his enduring commitment to protecting the U.S. Constitution.  As a Supreme Court Justice, he will doubtless champion the spirit in which that document was written and the freedoms that we, as Americans, value and cherish.”

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