NJGOP: Kim Guadagno Wins First Gubernatorial Debate

Kim Guadagno Wins First Gubernatorial Debate

October 10, 2017
West Long Branch, NJ - “Phil Murphy looked the people in the eye tonight and lied tonight about Hollywood super predator Harvey Weinstein. He accepted thousands in donations from Weinstein while serving as finance chair for the DNC, and he even met with Weinstein in secret to discuss raising money for his campaign. He even had a fundraiser scheduled with him this month.” – Dave Huguenel, Guadagno Campaign Manager

"This debate provided us all with direct contrast between Phil Murphy and Kim Guadagno that highlighted just how out of touch Murphy really is with New Jersey. He's running on a platform of big spending projects and even bigger tax hikes. Phil Murphy was even incapable of taking a simple position on an important property tax stabilization tool in the arbitration cap. Tonight I think it was clear that New Jersey can't afford Phil Murphy." – NJGOP Chairman Mike Lavery

“While Kim Guadagno will be accountable to the taxpayers of New Jersey, Phil Murphy will be nothing but a yes-man for the Trenton special interests and force everyday New Jerseyans to pay more in taxes." – Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon

"As a former sheriff, Kim Guadagno knows we should never play politics with public safety. She is absolutely correct to oppose sanctuary cities, and it's disturbing to see Phil Murphy and Democrats double down on their support for violent criminals over New Jersey families.” – Senator Steven Oroho

"Kim Guadagno is absolutely right: this election is about the pocketbook issues and making New Jersey more affordable. Not one of Phil Murphy's proposals addresses New Jersey's affordability crisis. In fact, every one of his proposals only makes New Jersey less affordable." – Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli

"It's crazy to think that someone running for governor would rather protect violent criminals than innocent victims and law abiding citizens. Phil Murphy's support for making New Jersey a sanctuary state is dangerous for law enforcement and families across the state." – Senator Samuel Thompson

"Tonight, Phil Murphy double and tripled down on his high-tax agenda and gave voters $1.3 billion reasons not to vote for him in November. From tolls to taxes, Phil Murphy will make it harder to live, work and raise a family in New Jersey." – Senator Tom Kean, Jr.

“Phil Murphy showed us tonight that he would be worse than Jon Corzine. His promised tax hikes would be disastrous for our business environment and would force jobs to flee the state. Middle class families would be crushed if Phil Murphy becomes Governor." – Senator Diane Allen

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