NJLM President, Clinton Town Mayor Janice Kovach Reacts to Governor Murphy’s Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Address

NJLM President, Clinton Town Mayor Janice Kovach Reacts to Governor Murphy’s Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Address:


“Every day, municipalities are on the front lines of efforts to reduce property taxes while ensuring strong public safety, roads free of snow, recreation options, and public health services. While there is much in this budget to applaud and be proud of, it needs to be noted that the lowest increase in property taxes during this administration has been accomplished with flat municipal funding. While flat funding predates the Murphy Administration, since the state is experiencing more optimistic revenues projections than anticipated even a few shorts months ago, the League believes now is the time to engage in a robust discussion about full restoration of municipal aid.  This has languished for more than a decade and we stand ready to work with governor and legislative leadership to ensure municipalities have the necessary resources to ensure communities are well served.”







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