NJOA Strongly Supports Effort To Keep Public Lands Open During A Shutdown

NJOA Strongly Supports Effort To Keep Public Lands Open During A Shutdown

Trenton – Sportsmen’s advocacy group calls for action on pro-public land legislation

The New Jersey Outdoor Alliance today released a statement supporting the passage of A-1327, which would keep state parks and beaches open in the event of a state shutdown. The legislation passed the NJ Assembly unanimously on June 30th.


"The outdoors is for everyone – and New Jersey’s 1.2 million sportsmen work hard to fund, protect and enjoy NJ’s amazing wild places and wild things," said spokesman Cody McLaughlin. “Looming government shutdowns should never threaten to take away the opportunity to enjoy the places our sportsmen and sportswomen hold so dear, and with two consecutive years of shutdowns and close calls, we feel this is the right time to act to prevent the use of New Jersey’s incredible public lands as a bargaining chip in budget negotiations.”


The legislation, A-1327/ S-835, would require State parks and forests, State recreation areas, State historic sites, State natural areas, and State wildlife management areas to remain open for seven days in the event of a government shutdown and directs the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to develop a plan for the continued operation of those locations by State employees designated as necessary to continue providing services.

About the New Jersey Outdoor Alliance: The New Jersey Outdoor Alliance is a grassroots organization dedicated to supporting outdoor-minded legislation and legislators who support hunting, fishing, trapping and the conservation of our natural resources in New Jersey. Notable accomplishments include the recent passage of the Blood Tracking bill, along with the institution of Hooked On Fishing, Not On Drugs .





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