NJPP: $15 Minimum Wage Deal Will Boost Wages of Almost 1 Million Workers

"NJPP has long-advocated for a $15 minimum wage for all, as New Jersey’s high cost of living does not discriminate based on age or sector. The parity provision in this proposal is critical to ensuring seasonal and small business employees will not be left behind, even if their phase-in schedule is a few years longer. We applaud the inclusion of teen workers, who were at risk of being carved out of this legislation, as their work is just as valuable to the economy and their families as anyone else’s.
"For the state’s agricultural and tipped workers, there remains more work to be done. Employees in these sectors face unique challenges that this legislation leaves unaddressed. The dignity of all workers must be recognized and we will continue to report on and fight for policies that meet the needs of all New Jerseyans, including our tipped and farm workers."