NJPP: NJ’s economy stronger now than a year ago

Earlier today Governor Murphy delivered his first State of the State address, where he reflected on policies signed into law during his first year in office and outlined his priorities for 2019.


“New Jersey’s economy and the long term prospects of its working families are stronger now than they were a year ago, and that is a direct result of progressive policies passed by the Legislature and signed by the Governor over the last year.

“More than one million New Jersey residents now have access to paid sick days, undocumented students have equal access to tuition assistance at state colleges and universities, and health care premiums are among the lowest in the nation despite the federal government’s sabotage of the Affordable Care Act.

“But there is still more work to be done in building the “stronger and fairer” state the Governor envisions. Far too many New Jerseyans continue to live in poverty and that will not change until the state raises the minimum wage to $15 an hour for all workers. The state must also expand access to driver’s licenses to all residents, regardless of immigration status, to ensure every New Jerseyan can safely drive their kids to school and get to work on time.

“Further, the Governor was right to highlight the importance of reining in runaway corporate subsidies at the EDA — this is critical to improving the state’s fiscal health and budget prospects. The $11 billion in subsidies are corporate cronyism at its worst and harken back to trickle down economic policies that failed the state. We were pleased to hear the Governor devote so much of his speech to this important issue and look forward to working with him and Legislature as they consider necessary reforms.”



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