NJ’s Smoking Ban on Beaches and State Parks Goes into Effect
NJ’s Smoking Ban on Beaches and State Parks Goes into Effect
Today, NJ’s smoking ban on beaches and park went into effect yesterday. In July, Governor Murphy is signing S2534 (Sweeney)/A3798 (Calabrese) into law. The bill was written to revise the "New Jersey Smoke-Free Air Act" to prohibit smoking on public beaches and parks. Cigarettes have caused forest fires in the past and by allowing smoking in our parks we are putting them at risk for destruction. They could damage picnic areas or historic buildings. They could also set areas of beaches on fire, including picnic tables or boardwalks.
“Finally, we can now breathe easier because the new ban on smoking in beaches and parks will go into effect. This new law will protect us from second hand smoke and our communities, clean water, and the environment. Sierra Club came up with this bill 10 years ago. Governor Christie vetoed the bill multiple times but we kept fighting to push the legislation until Governor Murphy signed it into law. Now we won't have to deal with secondhand smoke while trying to enjoy a day outside. This is especially important for children playing outdoors so they no longer breath in smoke. Having smoke free beaches and parks would encourage tourism, while protecting both our health and the environment,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. “Now we will no longer be turning our beaches into ashtrays.”
Cigarettes are an environmental problem and safety problem. They can be ingested by animals and marine life or even children playing in the sand or at the park. Cigarettes contain toxins like nicotine and pesticides in their plastic fibers further harming the environment. They could damage picnic areas or historic buildings. They could also set areas of beaches on fire, picnic tables or boardwalks.
“We brought this bill 10 years ago and now it is finally signed into law and into effect. The law will also protect our safety from careless smokers. They could set areas of parks and beaches on fire, picnic tables or boardwalks. Now we can start protecting our children from second hand smoke stop turning our beaches and parks into ashtray,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. “Cigarettes are bad for our health, our environment, and our safety and now New Jersey is finally taking measures to prevent them.”